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Server 2016 and 8 workstation ordered and Setup in 3 days.

I like to share the timeline and the work process with one of our recent project. About 6 months ago, a customer wanted to have a secure network, and in case an employee leaves the company, we want to take control over the workstation for next user without worrying about getting locked. Plus, customer wanted to secure the workstation to prevent using USB devices to remove data off the computer.

We had 2 meetings to explain the requirements and gave estimates along with the time line.

1. We planned to put Sonicwall tz400 to prevent virus and malware attack in the network. Then create site to site VPN connections between the 3 offices.

2. We planned to deploy a windows server 2016 with an Active directory with group policy to prevent USB access to 8 new workstations. Then created scripts to attach public, private and personal share drives.

Sonicwalls were ordered and replaced existing Frontier routers several month ago, so the network was established at the time of Windows server installation.

When customer decided to go with server recommendation, it was on Tuesday 5:00 PM. We ordered the parts through our local distributors and we received the Intel server r2208wt2ysr and 8 x Intel i7-NUCS on Wednesday at 2:00 PM.

We started our assembly and started our installation. Server and the workstation installations were completed by 9:00 PM and we applied the windows critical updates over night. Next morning, We created the Active Directory, created domain for the customer and joined 8 workstations to the domain.

On Thursday at 3:00 PM we arrived to our customer site and installed the server at the main office. Then we went to first branch office and setup 6 NUCS. Setup was completed by 6:00 PM on Thursday.

On Friday morning at 9:00 AM we went to second branch office and deployed remaining 2 computers. setup was completed by 10:30 AM.

In summary:

Tuesday - parts were ordered

Wednesday - parts arrived and completed the OS installation.

Thursday - setup server and 6 workstation at 2 offices.

Friday - setup remaining 2 workstation at 3rd office.

Service hours ~23 man hours.

As a contract customer, our installation service included remote management agent to monitor window patches and gives us ability to remote into the computer to support the customer.

Customer's need changes as the business needs changes and we are here to provide the best solution for each scenarios. if you have any questions about setting up something similar, please contact us and we will be glad to provide you the support you need. Thank you.

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