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When was last time you checked the Backup?

Who checks the backup for your company? These days, backup has become an essential component to your day to day business. Have you imagined what you will do if you loose your company data? It is possible to loose entire data if you get ransom virus, theft or natural disaster. To prevent the data loss we have come up with backup solutions that will work for your business. First, we recommend that you have local backup enabled, such as shadow copy, windows history backup and or windows backup. Second, backup your data to second location in your network NAS devices such as Synology units. We used various NAS units, but so far Synology seems to do its job the best because of their simple to use program packages. Other solution would be IBMR unit from IDrive. This unit can create image of your entire system and gives you ability to recover data through network, re-image, or run virtual machine of your image within just few minutes. Lastly, have a site to site data backup to second site or backup your data on the cloud somewhere. With these 3 combination of backup, you can ensure that you are able to restore your data and get back up and run your business.

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